Leaving your child for the first time in ski school can be daunting but here are 7 ways we ensure every child has a great first experience on skis.
- Firstly before you’ve even gone on your holiday Sarah and Jo (who are skiing mums themselves) will try and find out as much information as possible about your child’s skiing ability. For any children that have tried skiing before but had a bad experience, this is vital. All the information you provide us with is passed onto Michel in resort so he can work closely with the instructors to ensure your child has a positive experience and enjoys their lesson.
- Once you’re on your holiday, you’re able to drop your Totons off in the creche anytime from 9am which allows your child to settle in with our team of qualified nannies and with their fellow skiers. We use this hour before their lesson to really settle them in and make them feel as comfortable as possible. We find that this hour is a great ice breaker to make new friends and get rid of any nerves.
- You won’t find any other company where one of the directors is on hand EVERYDAY before all ski school lessons to speak to any parents who have any concerns or questions. If your child is feeling a bit nervous or even if they feel a bit under the weather, Michel is there to listen and pass on all information to their instructor. He’s also there after every lesson to discuss their progress with you and the instructors. We never want to hold a child back and should there need to be movement between classes, we’ll make this happen so each child is progressing to the best of their ability.
- With our Toton’s being only 3 and 4 years old, we know their little legs can get tired so we take a small break during their lesson to have a drink and a snack to break up their lesson. As it’s often most children’s first time skiing we want to keep it fun so they really enjoy it. We’ve even been known to create a Toton Train….
- For extra piece of mind, all our instructors carry radios. This is great for two reasons; number one being that is a child is feeling poorly or is just too tired, the instructor can radio down for one of our Pink Ladies to meet them and take the child back to the creche. Secondly this allows for instructors to notify Michel should a child need to move up a group. This means that if a child needs to move, they can be moved there and then; there’s no waiting until the next day as we want them to get the most out of their week with us.
- As the Totons are our youngest skiers we know how helpful it is for them to have a familiar face with them during their lesson. Which is why one of our qualified nannies will stay with them during their lesson. They’re there to give cuddles, sing songs and of course be a snowball target to keep everyone happy and smiling in their lesson. We find this particularly helps with any nervous children as they will have spent the morning with our Pink Ladies so will feel comfortable with them.
- Most importantly we want a group of happy faces from our Totons when they return from their lessons. As much as we want them to progress and love skiing, we NEVER push a child too much. Each child is unique so along with everything you will have told our UK team and from the feedback the instructors will give Michel, we aim to make sure each child is learning at the level they are comfortable with. We have had several families who have come to us with a child having had a bad experience on another ski holiday, often being pushed too much to keep up with the rest of the class and therefore having bad memories.
Over the last 30 years our focus has always been on each and every child having a memorable and fun holiday, and this starts with their ski lesson!