The most asked question – What do you do in the summer?

The simple answer is – there’s still so much to do that we’re all kept very busy.


Once we’ve packed up and left resort we immediately take the time to look back over the ski season to see what has or hasn’t worked. It’s the best time to do this as everything’s fresh in our minds. The questionnaires are a great indication of what you, our guests, have enjoyed and what, if anything, you’d like us to change for next year. The feedback from them is a fantastic help to us and our guest’s input is something which we really appreciate.

Early Bookings

Back in the day we had ‘Sunbizz’ (see what we did there), a travel agency, booking summer holidays for other tour operators. But with so many early ski bookings we actually had more and more to do during the summer months for Snowbizz. Once the UK starts to get a bit warmer most families’ attention are firmly fixed on a summer holiday but with Snowbizz we’re lucky to have a steady stream of ski season bookings throughtout the year.

The Pink Ladies and Ski Instructors

More often than not, many of our resort team become fully fledged seasonnaires and return home for a couple of weeks before heading off on their next adventure. We always recommend doing a summer season as, just like a ski season, it’s a fantastic experience and a great way to explore and live somewhere new. Of course our only worry is that whichever company they go to work for will see how great they are and will try to poach them for a winter season!

Most of the instructors continue to teach over the summer months a range of sports and activites including: windsurfing, white water rafting, canoeing and tennis, whilst others work as mountain guides.

Next Ski Season’s Recruitment

Once the season ends we like to speak to each member of our team to see how they’ve found their time with Snowbizz and if coming back is on the cards. By the time they’ve left we already have a good indication of who may or may not return. Obviously a lot can change over a few months so we kepp a look out for some fresh faces to join the team as well as sending gentle reminders to the current team that we still want them back!

Although Snowbizz is at its busiest during the winter months we are like any business and operate thoughout the year. Regardless of the time of the year there is always a huge amount to do – as we are always on the lookout for new ideas to make what we already do even better.

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